
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”

― Benjamin Franklin

This is especially true when it comes to your finances, retirement, and long term planning. Join us on Thursday, February 15th at 6pm via Zoom for a webinar focused on tax strategies, legacy planning, and long term care. Complimented with popcorn!

We’ll cover important retirement questions such as:

Strategies and Snacks Webinar

Join Arika Larson  and special guest Brett Ranhoefer for a webinar that focuses on financial strategies to plan for the long term. The popcorn is on us! 

February 15th at 6:00pm

Webinar via Zoom 

Register to receive the link! 

Register by filling out the form below!

Long Term Care

  • What are the chances of needing Long Term Care? (Hint: it is higher than you may think!)
  • What are the 3 basic levels of LTC?

Leaving a Legacy

  • How can you attain a Reasonable Rate of Return over time?
  • How can you secure what you want to leave to your loved ones? 

Tax Strategies

  • Growing money tax free 
  • +more

Arika Larson has been helping people with their financial planning needs for 18 years.

Join us at this webinar at 6pm on Zoom to discuss tax strategies, long term care, and legacy!

There is no obligation and no products will be sold at this event. This is just an informational webinar to help you plan!

Strategies and Snacks Webinar- February 15th
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